On April 23rd, the prestigious IMMY Awards 2023 unfolded at the elegant Sofiensäle in Vienna, shining a spotlight on the finest real estate agents of the city. This event marked the recognition of excellence, honoring the top performers in Vienna’s real estate sector for their outstanding contributions throughout the preceding year of 2023. Among the honorees, “Marschall Real Estate,” a founding member of EREN, also received the IMMY Award for excellence in work and expertise.
The inception of the IMMY Awards dates back to 2005, initiated by the Professional Group of Real Estate and Asset Trustees within the Austrian Economic Chambers. Since its inaugural ceremony in 2006, the IMMY Awards have been synonymous with excellence, serving as a beacon of quality and reliability for consumers navigating the intricate landscape of the real estate industry.
The selection process for the IMMY Awards entails a rigorous evaluation, encompassing various criteria ranging from professional competence and punctuality to customer service excellence. Through methods such as mystery shopping, real customer interviews, and comprehensive data analysis, participating companies undergo a thorough examination to ascertain their adherence to the highest standards of quality and integrity in the industry.