Villae 16 is a journey through some of the most important cities around Europe
Villae 16 has been designed – as the previous editions did – to be the spirit of EREN to represent EREN’s main values inviting our readers to travel through its pages to some of the most sought-after cities in Europe. Some of the key themes of Villae International Magazine are based on architecture, design and luxury trends.
The aim of Villae Magazine is not only to discuss lifestyle but also offer proximity with buyers and sellers.
Some of the contents of Villae 16 that you will find thanks to our members are: opinion articles by our members’ CEOs, as well as interviews to our members giving their first-hand viewpoint about their headquarter cities with useful information for the reader with the history and essence of these cities. The European cities selected for this edition have been Lisbon, The Ticino region and the Garda Lake. Among its pages, you will also find current international issues.
On this occasion, each member of EREN has its own cover featuring their most desired properties. Below is a gallery with all the covers.
Finally, you will find a sample of the most luxury properties in Europe, from the portfolio of each of the members that form European Real Estate Network.
The magazine also reserves space for experiences, art, architecture and a complete trip to Europe with a complete photographic report which makes the reader immerse into this world.
The latest edition of Villae, as well as the previous ones can be consulted via this link. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like a physical version of it.